【開始報名】2021藝術才能教育國際論壇:潛藝適才.課程前瞻 ISATE Registration

Let's Register!!!
Fill in your Register Form of ISATE before October 6, 2021.
2021 International Symposium on Arts Talented Education: Advancing Curriculum and Educating Arts Talented (ISATE) will be held from October 16th to 17th, 2021 (GMT+8). ISATE will present Keynote speeches, Roundtables, Forum, Poster Sessions, and student performance. The Keynote speakers are Dr. Masafumi Ogawa (Japan), Dr. Kim Jeong-Su (South Korea), and Dr. David Mead (UK). Roundtables invite university professors and teachers from elementary and secondary schools to discuss special issues in talented arts education while high school students express their thoughts in a forum. Posters, related to arts professional development or arts talented education in music, fine art, visual arts, or dance, will be displayed at the hallway of auditorium during conference period. ISATE aims to create a platform for the global arts education.
1. 現場參與,地點:國立臺灣師範大學 教育大樓202國際會議廳
2. 線上參與,連結將於論壇前發送
※全國教師研習網課程代碼: 3204312,全程參與核定教師研習時數10小時。
Date of Symposium: Oct 16~17, 2021 (GMT+8)
Deadline of Registration: Oct 6, 2021 (GMT+8)
Registration Formlink(另新link視窗link)link
Due to the limited seats and CDC's roll adjustment rules, you will receive an Email by Oct 12 for confirmation.
Alternative forms of participation are introduced this time.
1. Online Participation – you will receive an online conference link before Symposium.
2. In-Person Participation - Venue: 2F International Lecture Hall, Education Building, NTNU
Supervising by Ministry of Education
Organizing by College of Music and Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)
Cooperating with Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology, NTNU
聯絡資訊Contact:徐小姐(Ms. Vicky)、陳小姐 02-7749-3276 artstalentededu.ntnu@gmail.com