2021藝術才能教育國際論壇:潛藝適才.課程前瞻 2021 International Symposium on Arts Talented Education: Advancing Curriculum and Educating Arts Talented

2021 International Symposium on Arts Talented Education: Advancing Curriculum and Educating Arts Talented
第一屆「2021藝術才能教育國際論壇:潛藝適才.課程前瞻 」要來了~
2021 International Symposium on Arts Talented Education: Advancing Curriculum and Educating Arts Talented is scheduled to be held from October 16th to 17th, 2021.
Please save the dates.
日期 | 2021.10.16-17 (六-日)
地點 | 國立臺灣師範大學 教育大樓202國際會議廳
Date: Sat.-Sun., October 16-17, 2021
Venue: 2F International Lecture Hall, Education Building, National Taiwan Normal University
※More Information will be published soon.